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Be a visiting scientist in a San Diego County school

Get Free Training and Materials with Project ASTRO

Project ASTRO is a program of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) to foster partnerships between 4th-10th grade teachers and local astronomers and space scientists.

Professional and amateur astronomers and space scientists - we need you! Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the physical sciences (with some background in basic astronomy) are particularly welcome to join.

This is a great opportunity to help kids learn science through hands-on activities, and through sharing your own enthusiasm and experiences. At the same time you can improve your own knowledge and communication skills - and have fun - with the most inquisitive and appreciative audience you can find.

With Project ASTRO, you will be required to attend one Saturday training workshop (Saturday November 1, 2014 at R. H. Fleet Science Center) where you and your teacher partner will be trained in leading hands-on classroom activities. You will receive Project ASTRO's updated DVD activity guide The Universe at your Fingertips (which covers all the topics you need), as well as access to local resources and support throughout the school year.

The project emphasizes ongoing partnerships, not just one-time presentations, so that students and their teacher really get to know "their astronomer". The overall time investment is small, considering the lasting benefit you will impart to the teacher and students. We do ask that you commit to at least 4 visits throughout the school year and plan these together with your adopted teacher, according to a mutually convenient schedule. Your teacher partner will take care of any logistical or discipline issues during your visits.

Project ASTRO's first 9 years in San Diego have been a great success, and we have more teachers signing up all the time. We need your help as a scientist in expanding the program to assist them.

For more information and an application form, please contact:

Dr. Philip Blanco (SDSU): pblanco@sciences.sdsu.edu.

Or visit the San Diego Project ASTRO website: http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/projectastro/

If you cannot volunteer your time...

Project ASTRO San Diego relies on local funding to provide teachers and astronomers with training and classroom materials. Project ASTRO San Diego's funding is administered by the Campanile Foundation, a 501c(3) organization.

Individual and corporate tax-deductible contributions (make checks out to SDSU Foundation (Project ASTRO) will be acknowledged on the ASTRO website, at training workshops, and in publicity ranging from school newsletters to local TV and radio coverage. For more information, please contact:
Project Director, Dr. Ron Angione, SDSU Astronomy Department, 5500 Campanile Dr, San Diego, CA 92182-1221, email angione@sciences.sdsu.edu, phone 619 594-6183.